Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Catching Up :)

So I'm inconsistent, my posts are not weekly, or monthly or daily.. just's cool, we all have things to work on, right?  Consistency is my project for the next...well, for the rest of my life I guess :)  Anyway, I feel like it would be wrong not to write about the things that have been going on in my life, helping me along to develop as an athlete and person. 

First, I am now a bona fide California resident :)  Lucas and I made the move up here about a month and a half ago...first to Brentwood, and then just last weekend we moved into our own little apartment in Walnut Creek :)  The northern California summer has been quite a treat in comparison to the oven I'm used to surviving in, in fact I'm writing this outside with a light jacket and I'm still cold! Not to mention living with my best friend, who also happens to be my boyfriend is an absolute blast :)

 Top: Marsh Creek Rd...a pretty back road I used to avoid traffic between Walnut Creek and Brentwood...don't have to worry about that anymore though because now it is a 5 minute bike ride to work!!
Bottom: First day in our new apartment!!

The next major event for the month of July was one of the most unique and career changing experiences of my life.  I was honored to be invited to attend a training camp at the Olympic Training Center with the USAT Collegiate Recruitment program for 10 days.  During this camp we were lucky enough to work with the best of the best in each field; bike clinics with Neal Henderson, everything-triathlon clinics with Barb Lindquist, running and mental training technique with Bobby McGee...the list goes on and on.  Not only did we have technique sessions with these specialists, but we also had a fantastic team of coaches with us for the ENTIRE weekend.  I was lucky enough to have my own coach, Brian Grasky, join me for the entire 10 days!!  As I'm recapping this experience I feel like I can't quite do it justice.  Me and my fellow 11 athletes were treated to ten days of some of the best learning out there.  Not only that, but we all got to meet each other and make a bond that we will share as we move forward in all of our individual racing careers.  Although triathlon is an individual sport, there is a definite difference when you can feel a sense of community.  Knowing there are other people as passionate, and--let's face it--CRAZY as you are is an indescribable feeling.  Thank you so much again to EVERYONE involved in that weekend...the OTC staff members, clinic specialists, coaches, athletes and of course the coordinators--Jocelyn Buras, Joe Umphenour, and Barb Lindquist...none of it would have been the same without any of you, I am so inspired!

 Top: Garden of the Gods group ride--working pack riding skills in a beautiful setting!
Bottom: the amazing Athlete center...equipped with cafeteria full of amaaazing food!

Coming back from that camp I immediately got to apply my new knowledge to a local race the next weekend!  Last Sunday I raced the California International Triathlon, a race put on my USA Productions in Pleasanton, CA.  I've said this before, but I will say it again...they put on a fantastic race!! 
My race morning started scoping my transition spot, setting up, pretty normal, but I realized that my watch was dead so I was going to have to race off feel!  It ended up working out well that my watch was dead...for the first time ever I was the first female out of the water, and this pumped me up for the bike.  Working the transition skills I learned from the camp, I hopped on my bike...flying mount :) and was off!  The course had lots of turns and some construction so I was glad to have learned some handling skills, definitely helped me race safer and faster!  The course also had a few hills which are great, but unfortunately my chain dropped on the big least it is an easy fix!  As always, I was excited to get off my bike and into T2...this run was full of hills...just how I like it! For whatever reason, I really enjoy hilly runs...I think maybe I like the change of effort/scenery rather than running a super flat course...or maybe it's just the crazy in me ;) My run ended up being a PR 10k time...yes, I run faster off a bike and swim than I do on a flat run...I guess I was meant to be a triathlete! 
Overall, I ended up placing 1st in the amateur division and had the 12th fastest time of the day (including the men).  I'm excited to continue using my newly acquired knowledge, and working to improve as a triathlete.  Each time I race I'm reminded of how dynamic this sport is and how much fun it is to race three different disciplines in one shot :)

^ after the race they had a contest to see who could hold a side plank the longest...the prize? A $700 Xterra Wetsuit! I was so close, but I get a couple of style points, right? ;)

Last, but certainly not least...I'm going to start a little section of music recommendation that kind of fits the theme of the post, or is just cool music :) Enjoy!!
What Goe5 Around by Valeas
^awesome riding music!

Tighten Up by the Black Keys
^cute music video, good for some of those trainer workouts :)

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