The Tempe International is a local race here in, you guessed it, Tempe! It took place Sunday, May 19th. It also served as the Arizona Club Championships. I was really
Pre-Race, lots of people ready to race :) |
Race morning started and it was much cooler than I expected...around 75* when I was leaving my car! The race start got pushed back by about 45 minutes so things warmed up really fast. Water temperature was mid-70s so according to USAT rules it was wetsuit legal, however, I opted to swim without the wetsuit.
Scopin' a buoy, so much easier sans wetsuit! |
Never realized there was so much Flora in Tempe :) |
Finally, the run was bittersweet...I brought a cooler to leave in transition with two baggies of ice--one for the bike and one for the run. I forgot the first bag when leaving for the bike, but didn't really miss it as the temperature hadn't risen over 90* yet. So on my way out of T2, I grabbed a bag to later stuff in my suit. The thought of shoving it down the front of my suit sounded shockingly cold so I opted to tuck it in the back of my suit like you would a shirt on a long run, this was a bad idea. The bag started bouncing out of my suit and while I managed to grab it, not two seconds later, it slipped out of my hands and exploded open on the ground--bye bye ice pack! I didn't let my mind linger on it long and redirected my focus (to other things I needed to deal with like clipping my race belt on). The whole first mile was dedicated to getting "situated" and after that I must have been on some kind of endorphin high because everything felt easy and I was honestly having a great time. I rounded the corner to run up the bridge (over the bridge is the end of lap 1 and it's a short bridge!) after just seeing Lucas and my Dad...I smiled at them, happy as can be, and then I realized, I've never done that in a race..? What is so
Really happy to see Lucas and my Dad! |
One last little detail... I won! I've never won a triathlon before, so even though it was a local race, I was super excited! As always...I'm very excited to see that my hard work is translating into results, but I am definitely not satisfied and look forward to the next opportunity to improve!
About to cross the finish line, for my first triathlon win :) |
Last bit of news... I turned twenty-three last week! It was a very low key, but awesome birthday. I made it through the whole day without crying about being one year closer to thirty (I have a track record of doing that ;) ) mostly thank you to my wonderful Lucas :)
Watching the sunset with my love :)
Music Recommendations!
Lucas is working on a new project that I'm VERY excited
for him to release, so coming soon... but for now, he added
a couple of old tunes he's been holding onto since last Summer when we were living with James (Crimson) in Brentwood Check it out:
Also recently released, Daft Punk put out their first album
since 2005--Random Access Memories.
^This is my favorite song off the album!
Until next time :)
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Lucas took me to Macayo's for Dinner <3 |